Media Puppets

Look who’s talking

I heard it on the news today
Geraldo Rivera the talking head

“OJ’s on parole” the newscasters say

Henley’s dirty laundry

More relevant even now

Everything has spin

False stories more than logic will allow

Is there any ethics in media?

Are these truly impoverished minds?

Telling us what to think?

Do they really inform us or do they keep us behind the blinds?

The failure to report

The people behind the scenes

The real crime of broadcasting

Tell us ohh journalists-tell us by all means

Show us the curtain

Show us the Wizard of Oz

Reject the current media puppets

Who tried to sell you the ” Santa Claus ”

Hold them accountable

Spotlight these egregious tube-heads who say

John Q. Public is not smart enough

From the begining to the end of the day


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