The questions one must ask

Suffering from the emotional abuse

When a young child is not allowed to cry

Wishing if only

His father would simply just Die!

Old wounds run silent and deep

When a memory of the past

Eclipses your present state

Just how long will this disruption last?

What is adversity?

Is it a certainty?

Maybe even a guarantee?

Does it define us by decree?





When indeed will we learn?

My own prison a captive of my own thought

Both the jailer and the inmate

Is this what my life has brought?

Given the stakes

What must we do?

Pardon the offences?

Follow a moral law that is true?

Where do we draw the line?

How do we measure autonomy?

The questions one must ask

To comport their philosophy

“ The swords of time will peirce our skin

It doesn’t hurt when it begins

But as it works its way on it

The pain grows stronger watch it grin “

The currency of knowledge is free

What we don’t squander

If we attend

Only then this wisdom we can ponder

Receptivity is crucial

I think the broken-hearted people would agree

A key will open a door

A light will allow us to see

Manifest change by perception

Attachment of pain from a dream

Is much harder to navigate

When it clearly cannot be seen



Pursuit of intimacy

A silent proclamation of spirit we make

But the unrequited connection

Can lead us to a quieting heart-ache

Intimacy – a compelling drive

A beckoning state

Only the misenthrope

Is likely to hate

The condition for a healthy relationship

Is contingent on our capacity to accept and give love

If you cannot achieve the connection

Then you should ask for help from above

Have you ever been starved for affection?

How does it make you feel?

Alone in your isolation?

Crying on the floor as you kneel?

HD Thoreau points to Quiet Desperation

Unfulfilled in the actions you take

Which path are you on?

Which path will you make?


Don’t kick me when I’m down

Think you’re giving tough love

Are you dismissive?

Do you pre-judge?

Don’t kick me when I’m down

You act like you know all the answers

And treat me like a clown

You become angry and intolerant

Don’t kick me when I’m down

You think that I am stupid

Not really knowing my pain and suffering

I feel belittled and helpless

As I am not fully functioning

You presume I have normal circumstance

Despite the signs clearly before you

If only you pay attention

Then maybe you would change your view

Don’t attack my ability

Put me on the defense

Don’t trivialize my problem

It only makes it more intense

Even accounting the conversation

Leaves me with a frown

As the memory of this relationship

Kicks me when I’m down

When you feel insignificant

Drowning in troubles all around

Don’t feed the wrong energy

Don’t kick me when I’m down

Don’t preach to me with disapproval

Don’t you dare make a sound

I can’t take any more grief

Don’t kick me on the ground


Which will be the albatross?

Life is too precious

For us to throw away

Yet many of us suffer

When we contemplate suicide by the end of the day

Even the moon

Will shine at night

In the dark shadow of emotion and reason

As darkness is the absence of light

How do we procure

A well balanced soul?

How do we parent?

How do we console?

We must cultivate character

Establish a code of morality

Learn how to forgive ourselves and others

To keep our sanity

The weight of the world is upon you

Tension and pressure will build inside

Are you motivated to take positive action?

Are you relegated to ignore and hide?

Life provides us with challenges

Sloth and apathy a tradition of loss

Which will change a circumstance?

Which will be the albatross?


How do you associate?

How do you associate?

History of people who use you?

Trouble with people who do not care?

People that put themselves first?

Emotionally impoverished not willing to share?

Sometimes we don’t put thought to this

Sometimes we are unaware

Patterns of learned helplessness

A family relationship nightmare

What is the purpose of our attraction?

What is the intent of our allure?

The difference from a day and a lifetime

With a document we use to insure

How do we connect with people?

How do we bond?

What level of intimacy?

How do we respond?

Attachment can be unhealthy

We are imprinted from an early age

If we learn maladaptive behaviors

They keep us captive in a self-imposed emotional cage

There is no use to blaming others

For a miscalculation in our attraction

Better to examine

A post-relationship reaction


When expectation and reality collide

When expectation

And reality collide

What do you get?

What do you hide?

Contingent on your belief

Contingent on your assessment

Are you at risk?

Do you have an emotional investment?

Now what do you do?

Egg on your face?

Make an excuse?

Another time, another place?

Does it really surprise you?

How good can you get?

We are just human

Or did you forget?

The arrogance of ego

Will make its play

A priori ?

What do you say?


Water on tap

Water on tap

Both hot and cold

Turn only the left

It may just scold

In this way

The water flows like the mind

Some thoughts are brutal

Some thoughts are kind

We decide our diet

We decide what we consume

We decide what we bury

We decide what we exhume

A tortured mind

Or a Zen / Taoist Master

Practice peace

Or practice disaster

Most don’t need a therapist

Most don’t need a priest

Maybe just by observation

They can achieve peace

Through meditation or deep contemplation

Maybe a WikiPsalm?

A desire to connect to a source

The hope to liberate us from the qualm


Must you always tow the party line

Can you form your own opinion?

Or must you always tow the party line?

Can you think for yourself independently?

An original thought you call “mine”?

Do you frequently use Facebook for persuasion?

Expecting the echo chamber effect?

A pseudo conversation you have

To gain your self respect?

The ease of social media

Does not always make it right

For you to make a rant

And merely incite a fight

Be advised not to pontificate

Some people just don’t want to hear

Whatever political musings

You pedal and hold as dear

I believe in spirited conversation

Sharing ideas is a must

I don’t believe in censorship

I recognize the philosophy of Elon Musk

There are many issues we can criticize

Some things are left better unsaid

But if you feel a need that compels you

Your moral compass just might be dead

Consider your motivation

When you employ a moral high ground

How do you comport?

Are you morally sound?

If you are unaware of the rules in speech communication

Than maybe apply common sense

If you fail in this endeavor

You will likely remain in perítence


Honesty will always triumph

Don’t leave people guessing

Don’t leave your mental notes unread

Sometimes silence is harsher

Than the words that are said

The problem is often within us

In poor communication we try to make sense

To save face from embarrassment

We use ignorance in our defense

This is common in social interaction

If we do not know what we want we miscomunicate

How we interpret and receive the message

Determines how we will navigate

One of the greatest skills we can master

In social etiquette is our speech

Lest we should never succumb to deceive

And this scripture I duly beseech

Honesty will always triumph

No matter how hurtful it may be

Trust and respect must be earned

But they never will when we deceive


The quintessential attribute of our humanity

Show me an atheist who believes in evolution

I’ll show you a theist who believes in intelligent design

Which theory is short in reason?

Which theory do you align?

If you care to embark on a thought experiment

It will surely test your deduction and skill

Do you become influenced by others?

Or do you rely upon your own will?

Some problems are not mathematical

You cannot simply provide proof to solve

Some problems you can falsify

These are ones you can resolve

Some problems are beyond our capability

Some say this is in the field of philosophy

Where there is an endless amount of debate

The quintessential attribute of our humanity