Water on tap

Water on tap

Both hot and cold

Turn only the left

It may just scold

In this way

The water flows like the mind

Some thoughts are brutal

Some thoughts are kind

We decide our diet

We decide what we consume

We decide what we bury

We decide what we exhume

A tortured mind

Or a Zen / Taoist Master

Practice peace

Or practice disaster

Most don’t need a therapist

Most don’t need a priest

Maybe just by observation

They can achieve peace

Through meditation or deep contemplation

Maybe a WikiPsalm?

A desire to connect to a source

The hope to liberate us from the qualm


The quintessential attribute of our humanity

Show me an atheist who believes in evolution

I’ll show you a theist who believes in intelligent design

Which theory is short in reason?

Which theory do you align?

If you care to embark on a thought experiment

It will surely test your deduction and skill

Do you become influenced by others?

Or do you rely upon your own will?

Some problems are not mathematical

You cannot simply provide proof to solve

Some problems you can falsify

These are ones you can resolve

Some problems are beyond our capability

Some say this is in the field of philosophy

Where there is an endless amount of debate

The quintessential attribute of our humanity


Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxist

The study of Critical Theory

Anti-Christian and anti- family

My country Tis of Thee

Cultural Marxism

Subversion of the youth

Destroy the foundations of liberty

Propagandize the lies as truth

Dumb down the population

Control the media and news

Bribe the politicians

Squelch any dissenting views

Antonio Gramsci

Like Stalin and the CCP

The suffering of the people

The loss of our humanity

America the beautiful

Sweet land of liberty

Will you stand against the tyranny?

Will the ignorant mob keep us in captivity?


The Road to Hell

The road to hell

Is often paved with good intent

Our miscalculations and prejudice

Weighs in on our consent

We say our belief

Is divinely inspired

Whether divinity or dogma

We continue with ways to conspire

To whomever we will give our praise

Our actions are mortally bound

Herein lies our salvation

As the eternal will never make a sound

We have perfecting philosophies for a reason

We are flawed and can only aspire to be divine

Yet our arrogance and our natures

Often distort what we think is benign


The Method of the Con

The Socratic method is under attack

We are less likely to debate

A flawed group think identity

That only wants to berate

When you emotionalize an argument

You diminish your ability to reason

The sophistry begins

As it is now open season

The Platonic dialogue Georgias

Philosophy is an art

Not the mere rhetoric

That is shown to fall apart

Today’s world is rapidly increasing

With the intellectually impoverished youth

An educational system collapsing

Under our failure to teach what is truth?

Debate should never be stifled

Our liberty to engage the critic must go on

Only the merit of logic

Will illuminate the method of the con


We Need to be Challenged

We need to be challenged

Fortification through experience and in time

Will forge and shape our behaviors

A living furnace for a tempered mind

We the beings of habit

Must deploy a check and balance to remain free

The charioteer of our ego

Must use reason to introspect and oversee

We are developing creatures

With many flaws and deceptive artifice

We created the arguments for and against ourselves

We were the ones who started all of this

We have so much potential

Yet we waste our effort founded on faulty belief

Never do we benefit from leaning new ways

We are stuck perpetually recycling this antiquated motif



Sedition from Bondage

The key of captivity

Lies in the ability of the mind

Break the cycle of learned helplessness

Your freedom you will find

The fundamentals of illusion

Breed attachment and pain

When trapped in the problem

The solution we search for is in vain

Become the escape artist

Study the trap you are in

Visualize the possibilities

Become the Houdini and begin

The levels and degrees of servitude

We levy or subjugate

We mold our reality

Much of what we create

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Teacher enticing student to see

Constructs in our minds

Can also be just folly

The statement below is false

The statement above is true

A liars paradox

Another Waterloo

The duck or the rabbit?

Wittgenstein would ask

Which will give way?

Which one will last?

The Zen koan, the Greek paradox, and Wittgenstein

All demonstrate a vantage point to see

Problems of human reasoning

All contingent on how we will be


The Quicksand of the Soul


The quicksand of the soul

Siddhartha mustered this insight

So many, many years ago

How do I know?

How do I relate?

Do I make this up?

Do I confabulate?

How many paths?

How many ways?

We can seduce ourselves

Clinging to this fantasy gaze

Fear not my compatriots

The wisdom comes from age

Tempered in the forge of reality

Allow the mind to disengage



Words of Wisdom 3

Exhilaration is that feeling you get just after a great idea hits you, and just before you realize what’s wrong with it.


The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides.

-Henri Fredric Amiel-

It is not doing the thing we like to do, but liking the thing we have to do, that makes life blessed.


Nothing worse could happen to one than to be completely understood.

-Carl Jung-

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

-Abraham Maslow-

Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings.

-C.D. Jackson-

I believe that genius is an infinite capacity for taking life by the scruff on the neck.

-Christopher Quill-

If you’re never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.

-Julia Sorel-

You can’t turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.

-Bonnie Prudden-

Originality is the art of concealing your source.

-Franklin P. Jones-

In matters of principle, stand like a rock, in matters of taste swim with the current.

-Thomas Jefferson-

Success is a journey, not a destination.

-Ben Sweetland-

To live alone, one must be either an animal or a god.


If the doors of perception were cleansed, man would see everything as it is, infinite.

-William Blake-

The moon is but a circumambulating aphrodisiac divinely subsidized to provoke the world into a rising birth rate.

-Christopher Fry-

Study is like the heaven’s glorious sun that will not be deep-searched with saucy looks.

-William Shakespeare-

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

-Sören Kierkegaard-

If while certain forms of self-disclosure can be a risky proposition because the reactions of others are not predictable, then living a double life can also be quite stressful since it prevents a person from achieving congruence between the public and the private self.

-De Monte Flores-Schultz-

I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.


I see the world through the lens thyself, so the world is smeared if thy lens is dirty.
