A Trojan horse in Washington DC

A Trojan horse in Washington DC

A radical party seizing control in vain

Exalting the criminals for all to see

Why do they ignore all of our pain?

The evidence is clear

Yet, there is little investigation

The media spins the narrative

Hence the weak-minded people’s hesitation

Corruption in America

And the hatred thereof

Taught in our schools

Indoctrinated and poorly educated are meant to strengthen us

The entitlement and arrogance

Comes easy comes true

In any argument foretold

For the left’s red, white and blue

Your diatribes invert reality

Your social media condemns free speech

You circle back on questions

On promises you cannot truly keep

And so the Emperor has new clothes

Which he displays on every day

So too the people really see

This Emperor in decay

That doesn’t matter for the men behind the curtain

They want to tear down what was built

By any means possible

Before the pitchforks and torches are spilt