We All Need Inspiration

I like that you inspire me

A breath of fresh air- the oxygen for my soul to feed

I thrive when your influence

Allows my heart to again be freed

Some people irradiate an energy

A silent nurturing for a receptive soul indeed

Allow me to show this open heart

One you can easily read

We all need inspiration

A positive agency for a planted seed

And so I pay homage to my muse

One that helps me to proceed


The Road to Hell

The road to hell

Is often paved with good intent

Our miscalculations and prejudice

Weighs in on our consent

We say our belief

Is divinely inspired

Whether divinity or dogma

We continue with ways to conspire

To whomever we will give our praise

Our actions are mortally bound

Herein lies our salvation

As the eternal will never make a sound

We have perfecting philosophies for a reason

We are flawed and can only aspire to be divine

Yet our arrogance and our natures

Often distort what we think is benign


The Method of the Con

The Socratic method is under attack

We are less likely to debate

A flawed group think identity

That only wants to berate

When you emotionalize an argument

You diminish your ability to reason

The sophistry begins

As it is now open season

The Platonic dialogue Georgias

Philosophy is an art

Not the mere rhetoric

That is shown to fall apart

Today’s world is rapidly increasing

With the intellectually impoverished youth

An educational system collapsing

Under our failure to teach what is truth?

Debate should never be stifled

Our liberty to engage the critic must go on

Only the merit of logic

Will illuminate the method of the con


The Rational and the Emotional

I’ve searched all of my life

To understand and rise above my pain

Studied Psychology and Philosophy

Seems like this pursuit is a never-ending campaign

I’ve made some progress though

I pray not to give up my hope

Some questions will never be answered

So I search for the best way to cope

A thinking persons disposition

May often find the vexation of their emotion

Difficult to separate from

The hurt which we attach to our devotion

The rational and the emotional

Are two very different creatures

Measures must be taken

So that either don’t become our keepers

To find a path

It is best to head down the middle

Much like the Buddha suggests

For us to solve this riddle


We Need to be Challenged

We need to be challenged

Fortification through experience and in time

Will forge and shape our behaviors

A living furnace for a tempered mind

We the beings of habit

Must deploy a check and balance to remain free

The charioteer of our ego

Must use reason to introspect and oversee

We are developing creatures

With many flaws and deceptive artifice

We created the arguments for and against ourselves

We were the ones who started all of this

We have so much potential

Yet we waste our effort founded on faulty belief

Never do we benefit from leaning new ways

We are stuck perpetually recycling this antiquated motif



Be You of Conscious Mind

The moment before

You drift off to sleep

A memory comes to you

One that is buried deep

Memories often populate

And integrate with your dreams

Leaving with you a communiqué

To unravel the schemes

The mind has a way

To process the unrest

Perpetuating those feelings

You may have suppressed

A subconscious attempt

To resolve any dissonance

A conscious mindfulness

The conscription of imminence

Be you of conscious mind

Be you one to search your soul

I present to you

Our cognitive tool for quality control