Paid my Dues

Paid my dues

No one owed me anything

Earned my way

Maybe sometimes under the angels wing

I roll with the punches

Don’t always get what I want

But when it comes down to it

Do or die on with the hunt

Don’t know if you can teach this

Don’t know when I was taught

Boils down to character I guess

Either gifted or sought

But let’s be honest

I’ve tumbled many times with scars still there

I pray to be humble

Not too salty

When balanced I’m aware

The darkest of times

Lies not in the absence of light

But in the absence of faith

Thinking there will never ever be any cessation of night

Call it a miracle

Call it chance

Swear into the wind

Or stay in a trance

Become the person

Your past self will appreciate

Inspire by beating adversity

Get on with the Chase

Love conquers all

See with your heart

Heal the wounds

Make a new start