The questions one must ask

Suffering from the emotional abuse

When a young child is not allowed to cry

Wishing if only

His father would simply just Die!

Old wounds run silent and deep

When a memory of the past

Eclipses your present state

Just how long will this disruption last?

What is adversity?

Is it a certainty?

Maybe even a guarantee?

Does it define us by decree?





When indeed will we learn?

My own prison a captive of my own thought

Both the jailer and the inmate

Is this what my life has brought?

Given the stakes

What must we do?

Pardon the offences?

Follow a moral law that is true?

Where do we draw the line?

How do we measure autonomy?

The questions one must ask

To comport their philosophy

“ The swords of time will peirce our skin

It doesn’t hurt when it begins

But as it works its way on it

The pain grows stronger watch it grin “

The currency of knowledge is free

What we don’t squander

If we attend

Only then this wisdom we can ponder

Receptivity is crucial

I think the broken-hearted people would agree

A key will open a door

A light will allow us to see

Manifest change by perception

Attachment of pain from a dream

Is much harder to navigate

When it clearly cannot be seen


Don’t kick me when I’m down

Think you’re giving tough love

Are you dismissive?

Do you pre-judge?

Don’t kick me when I’m down

You act like you know all the answers

And treat me like a clown

You become angry and intolerant

Don’t kick me when I’m down

You think that I am stupid

Not really knowing my pain and suffering

I feel belittled and helpless

As I am not fully functioning

You presume I have normal circumstance

Despite the signs clearly before you

If only you pay attention

Then maybe you would change your view

Don’t attack my ability

Put me on the defense

Don’t trivialize my problem

It only makes it more intense

Even accounting the conversation

Leaves me with a frown

As the memory of this relationship

Kicks me when I’m down

When you feel insignificant

Drowning in troubles all around

Don’t feed the wrong energy

Don’t kick me when I’m down

Don’t preach to me with disapproval

Don’t you dare make a sound

I can’t take any more grief

Don’t kick me on the ground


Existential Anesthesia

Disconnect from the world

Virtual reality is here

How many minds will it trap?

What do you have to fear?

Living in an alternate environment

The Metaverse provides the escape

Another hit of dopamine

What will we aspire to create?

If we can’t solve problems in the real world

Pretending we can won’t change

Enhancing a romanticized virtual world

Only invites us to estrange

Beware you children of technology

Beware you people of mirth

Do not lose yourselves in frivolity

Reclaim your own self worth




The razors edge

To better myself

I’ve made this pledge

The search to improve myself

On the lessons of my life lived

Can benefit me

On the perspective that it gives

Yet I’m chasing a ghost

When I dwell on the past

I no longer serve myself

As the cost is vast

You heal from wounds

Not by attaching to the grief

Reliving a memory over and over again

There is no relief

One must move forward

I must create a new me

Build upon a new foundation

On how I intend to be


Wallow in the Mire

Ask the right questions

Focus on the good

Knowing that you have been wronged

Won’t matter if this is understood

The best way forward

You must first find your stride

Following the affirmative

Let this be your guide

When you allow the cynical voices

To occupy your mind

You squelch any happiness

That you are willing if able to find

Wallow in the mire

Bespattered with wounded pith

If you remain there too long

A potential to overcome becomes myth


It just might be for your sake

The most powerful resource in the human condition

Our need to belong, our need for connection

Not unlike the power of Love

Not unlike the power of rejection

In our isolation

We struggle to prevail

In our disconnection

We are more likely to fail

A healthy social construct

Must be available for all

Given the state of humanity

We are destined to occasionally fall

Bruce K Alexander

Studies with Rat Park

Showed me without a doubt

He was right on the mark

So why don’t we hear more about this?

What else will it take?

Make this apart of your life

It just might be for your sake


The Ameliorist

So you haven’t had it so easy

For yourself you had to fend

How do I get over my feelings of abandonment?

As a child I had to pretend

Sometimes it takes a lifetime

For you to work things out

If you never take any action

HD Thoreau’s quiet desperation

May surely come about

The ameliorist must make decisions

An ever changing environment we face

How do we improve our situation?

How do we stop running in place?

The path to reach any piece of mind

The thinkers must make amends with the past

Those who feel deeply must forgive any trauma

And mediate the iconoclast


The Rational and the Emotional

I’ve searched all of my life

To understand and rise above my pain

Studied Psychology and Philosophy

Seems like this pursuit is a never-ending campaign

I’ve made some progress though

I pray not to give up my hope

Some questions will never be answered

So I search for the best way to cope

A thinking persons disposition

May often find the vexation of their emotion

Difficult to separate from

The hurt which we attach to our devotion

The rational and the emotional

Are two very different creatures

Measures must be taken

So that either don’t become our keepers

To find a path

It is best to head down the middle

Much like the Buddha suggests

For us to solve this riddle


Valentine’s Day

I saw your picture today

You could be a million miles away

But I’d still feel you close

I know this sounds so cliché

You never cease to amaze

A heart that is generous

A heart of gold

You make it look so effortless

I wonder how this will unfold?

What’s a poor boy to do?

I want to tell

I want to show

Just how I fell

That last domino

There is something

I only know

I ask for your company

Because that’s when I glow

I ask for your permission

For me to participate

Showing you the difference

In your life that I can make

It’s really not that silly

Sometimes we connect on wavelengths

Others do not notice

Others do not appreciate

In this case I recognize

I think It’s fair to say

A healing is among us

For me everyday is Valentine’s Day

día de San Valentín


Sisters and Brothers of the Misbegotten

A possible world is outside for the taking

The limits we impose

Internal or external

We ourselves must dispose

The problems we face

Much of what we choose

The valuable lessons we learn

Even when we lose

Pure of heart

Stillness of mind

Open the doors of opportunity

Close the misfortunate ones behind

We are creatures of habit

What we think and what we do

The cycle of our mistakes

Are often not thought through

The expectation is repeated

An outcome is skewed in this way

The beliefs we give into

The beliefs we betray

The family of humanity

Sisters and brothers of the misbegotten

Remember to care for the heart

And that what is most forgotten

Of this I can tell you

Put life into the possibility you see

Consider what is positive

Consider what is folly