This Temptress a Juggernaut

If you don’t have respect

What have you got?

If you don’t have character

Why do you hold what is naught?

Did you ever learn to sacrifice?

Is it something that you ought?

Have you thought only of yourself?

Is that something you were taught?

There are countless opportunities

We dismiss yet still we fraught

Even the most obtuse

In moral decay they are caught

Ignorance is your master

This temptress a juggernaut



If we have no standard to live by

We become lost in our moral decay

Using slogans to stay hidden from others

Our sophistry now on display

The rules of our engagement

Will change from day to day

A special hell for those who are aware

An equal condemnation for the ignorant who betray

The temptation of misused ego

The lack of any self resolve

Will impune others to accountability

As our own souls indeed will devolve


Why do you dismiss what you don’t understand?

The way you approach the world

It’s clear you have no respect

What you fail to investigate

Promulgates the ignorance on why you reject

A view through the lens of Marxist ideology

A world of chaos is what you see

In the arrogance of political dogma

You egregiously make your pleas

What is most disconcerting

You imitate what you hate

Though you do not recognize this

The irony of your fate

So much easier to lecture others

Adopting the indoctrination you accept as true

So little did you think about the implications

The reality that you live in and view

“If I were a tiger

I’d bite peoples’ heads off”

You told me this as a child

But now you just scoff

So easy to jump to conclusions

Faulty logic is close at hand

For someone who holds themself in high regard

I hold this behavior in remand

Why do you dismiss

What you don’t understand?

Chalk it up to your influences

Utopian as wonderland


Because you have watched and done nothing

There is a pandemic

One of ignorance and one of cowardice

How many times will it take?

Before the mob pushes you to the precipice?

The fight for freedom in your name’s sake?

You cannot lead successfully

That of which you hate

They resort by controlling the narrative

For those they would subjugate

If you indulge in threats of violence

You incite hatred and you incite fear

Only consumed by the impoverished minds

A failed academic and failed moral education that is clear

So if you stand by and watch

Say nothing to reject the fiction

A different reality is created

Around a falsely presented affliction

What is left after the submission?

A misplaced trust has taken place

Because you have watched and done nothing

You’ll likely receive a boot in the face


Woke Supremacy

Woke superiority

Western culture in decay

If you hate your country so much

Than why indeed do you stay?

You give up on any argument

You cannot support your views

You attack, censor, and intimidate

Subvert and control the biased news

The cult conspires around the cauldron

Shouting confections of misery and hate

Swearing allegiance to a philosophy

That cannot win any logical debate

The woke supremacy you tout

Avoids the predicates you create

In the court of public opinion

You capitalize on feelings, manipulate and conflate

You might ensnare the weak-minded

Rest assured of what you berate

The irony of the absurdity you follow

Is seeded in your fate


If the man in office

DemocRATS are morally bankrupt

To feign virtue is to stay in control

To prey upon the weak minded

Only division is what they extoll

There is no unifying doctrine

Only an anti-American creed

The culture war now upon us

To incite hatred is to mislead

To rule by ignorance

To rule by deception and greed

To shut down any dissent

Cancel culture is what you need

You must revise a new historical foundation

Tear down a venerated past

Create a false image to exploit

A problem-reaction-solution-forecast

A wall now around the capitol

But to a border-less country they will flee

The tsunami of migrants will travel

Change the demographic overnight and see

Change the voter laws before an election

Circumvent the legislature, continue the endless count

No restrictions and no accountability

In ballot failures and chaos we will mount

If the man in office

Is compromised by the CCP

He would sell out our country

The globalists would agree


However you Calculate

What is sloth?

What is feckless?

Not Wei Wu Wei

As only this idea is not reckless

Knowing a behavior is wrong

Yet you still ignore it and do

Does not cancel the idea

That you know is true

Maybe it is the fear

That prevents you from proper action

Maybe it is habit

That spurs on this protraction

However you calculate

However you sum

You’ll probably not change

Until you’ve begun


The Travesty of a Generation

So you think you know about the world

Espousing something you read from a book

Something that a liberal arts professor said

But did you research it yourself and take a good look?

So if you’re going to make an argument

You better learn how to make your case

Only the rules of logic

Is what you must embrace

Do not trust the sophist

Nor the emotionally manipulated mind

Not the religious scientism cult

These are all of an ignorant kind

I have pity for the indoctrinated youth

I have contempt for federalized education

A travesty of an ignorant populace

The travesty of a generation


Sedition from Bondage

The key of captivity

Lies in the ability of the mind

Break the cycle of learned helplessness

Your freedom you will find

The fundamentals of illusion

Breed attachment and pain

When trapped in the problem

The solution we search for is in vain

Become the escape artist

Study the trap you are in

Visualize the possibilities

Become the Houdini and begin

The levels and degrees of servitude

We levy or subjugate

We mold our reality

Much of what we create

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Teacher enticing student to see

Constructs in our minds

Can also be just folly

The statement below is false

The statement above is true

A liars paradox

Another Waterloo

The duck or the rabbit?

Wittgenstein would ask

Which will give way?

Which one will last?

The Zen koan, the Greek paradox, and Wittgenstein

All demonstrate a vantage point to see

Problems of human reasoning

All contingent on how we will be


We Acquiesce




We acquiesce

What happened to virtue?

What happened to the rule of law?

When you put a camera in front of the wolves

They will tend to grandstand using their claws

Appeal to the court of public opinion

The filter of ignorance permeates the view

We kid ourselves into thinking

What is truth is what we construe

The second we emotionalize the argument

The second the logical fallacy comes true

The agenda we advocate

Is the agenda we pursue

Before you make up your mind

Consider the sources you vett

Are they an ideologue?

Are they a threat?

Reserve any judgment

Look deep within

Apply the ethic to yourself

When do you begin?