Be the Change you Wish to See in the World


There are negative forces in the world that we should probably not want to entice.  This negativity that exists tends to be attracted to other negative forces; be them in the form of a thought, or a manifestation of an attitude, feeling or even behavior in the physical world.  The mere act of thinking about such burdens can be a conduit for the convergent potentials of these sympathetic constituents.

In my investigations, it’s been a widely accepted principle by generations of wise thinkers, mystic’s and holly men that if one entertains negativity within their thoughts, negativity is more likely to follow these conscious meanderings.  Life is unpredictable and we often cannot eclipse the realities that result from the world abroad, yet at least we can compartmentalize our thinking and better manage what and how we choose to think.  The idea that we should balance our cognition’s and behaviors so that we do not become overly consumed in dis-favorable psychic energies that may prevent and deprive us from a fuller experience of this world is without a doubt our responsibility to execute.

Ergo, why not rejoice in the positive energies in the world by a celebration of the things that make us happy, joyful, and make us love to embrace life and feel alive.  This post is precisely exercising this point in my ability to speak of the many things that opens me up to a positive vibe in the realm of the universe to cherish what is good, what is healthy and in some ways life saving.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes
Silver white winters that melt into spring
These are a few of my favorite things!

Yes, you have to appreciate Rodgers and Hammerstein’s penning this Sound of Music’s featured classic that Julie Andrews immortalized in 1965.

We should all take an inventory of what makes us joyful, what brings pleasure to our lives and what we appreciate.  We should even more so tell others we love them, tell them we care for them, tell them we are proud and happy we have them in our lives.  Inhale Love; Exhale Gratitude!  We should focus on these things that help make life a little more enjoyable since the bitter tides of nature still seem to always remind us of our human defects and mortality.

These are a few of my favorite things…

Earlier in my life the outdoors and the wonders of nature were a huge attraction to me.  One of my favorite movies was Jeremiah Johnson in 1972 with Robert Redford, and of course  I remember watching Dan Haggerty in 1974 portray John “Grizzly” Adams in The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams on television.  I’m into anything with water…ocean’s, lakes, rivers, surfing, boogie boarding, skiing, kayaking, swimming, fishing, camping, hiking, climbing.  I even remember exploring and romping around in the ponds of my neighborhood canyon when I was a kid searching for pollywogs and frogs.

Listening to music and performing my music is a favorite pastime.  I’ve played guitar since as early as I can remember; maybe since the 4th or 5th grade or quite possibly before that.  I remember bringing my guitar to school everyday and practicing in the morning before classes began with a teacher led workshop in grade school, and sing and play songs like snoopy and the red Barron.  To this day, I believe I still have that mimeographed songbook we used when learning new songs sometime in 1973 or 1974.

Playing in a band has to be one of my all-time favorite things to do in this world.  Playing guitar and singing, songwriting has been a passion for many years.  This ability to self-express has taken hold of my inner desires and is a very strong impulse for me.

thought shaping

So much to be thankful for and enjoy as the list can be seemingly endless.  I won’t mention the pages and pages of blessings I can easily cite here, but I would be amiss to not give honorable mention to the wonderful women in this world.

So to pay homage to the song with my verse, I’d say it would sound something like this…

Movies in theaters with popcorn and licorice

Drama’s and good books, friendships and teachers

Poem’s and proverbs, writing articles for features

Nothing compare’s to my most precious of all

the return of a daughter’s love will forever be tall…