About The Author

The heart of the fool is in his tongue; the tongue of the prudent is in his heart.

B&WWeeping Angel

Part philosopher, poet, psychologist, musician, social commentator, and whose soul is in perpetual unrest, this author is keen on the subject to the many frailties and strengths of the human condition and has an affinity with writing about such matters.

Whether the post is about ethics, philosophy, psychology, world religions, political philosophies, depression, a pre-deluvian ancient civilization, the Giza plateau, 911, music, poetry, or blues rock guitar, you’ll find a rendering about such events within this blog.

Attended San Diego State University
Double Major: Psychology and Philosophy
resides and contemplates about such matters in Southern California

I want to make one thing absolutely clear. I am not a Zen Buddhist, I am not advocating Zen Buddhism, I am not trying to convert anyone to it. I have nothing to sell. I’m an entertainer. That is to say, in the same sense, that when you go to a concert and you listen to someone play Mozart, he has nothing to sell except the sound of the music. He doesn’t want to convert you to anything. He doesn’t want you to join an organization in favor of Mozart’s music as opposed to, say, Beethoven’s. And I approach you in the same spirit as a musician with his piano or a violinist with his violin. I just want you to enjoy a point of view that I enjoy.

Alan Watts


8 thoughts on “About The Author

  1. Hello!
    I recently came upon your most recent post a Skaters retrospection and I thought it might be perfect with the work that I have been doing. I am documentary filmmaker living between New Orleans and New York City and I’m co-producing a documentary on the slow disappearance of roller skating in New York and the community of skaters that has been left behind called the Central Park Dance Skating Association. In New York, the rink in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx have closed, leaving only one left in Staten Island that was destroyed during hurricane Sandy.

    As a result, I am in the process of creating an open platform blog through the documentary, where I am inviting anyone who has such a wonderful post like yours, and a love for skating (in any form), to guest blog a post. You could share this exact post or any other experience would be more than welcome.

    If you are interested in sharing your blog, your story, or your thoughts with us, I would love to be in touch. Let me know what you think!

    I look forward to hearing from you.



    1. It would be a pleasure. Please let me know how else to assist your efforts.

      Feel free to use this one and let me know if you need further content.

  2. Gunnersen-Roshi. Saw your recent FB link (All Roads Lead To Where You Are) and took me to your amazing blog. Wonderful post. Glad to see you are still, as always, the philosopher/poet. I hope all is well with you. -Tony

  3. Wow, wow, wow. I’m impressed. I guessed that i talk with interesting person, but didn’t imagine even 10% of what i would find in ur blog! Soooo many interesting things to read here. I don’t know where to start! Thank you for coming and making me know you:) I;ll feel happy if we get friends:)

  4. Looking forward to your book! Please keep us updated as you continue to develop and refine it

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