My Temptress of Circumstance

I have my flaws

I somehow understand yours

I look beyond the surface

I’m in the club of empathetic entrepreneurs

Is this my curse?

Not choosing well with whom I may fall?

We’ve crossed this line before

Look at that, oh what a squall

Despite what should be my better sense

I forgive and move on

Still I want to fill my heart

Wanting you by my side in the dawn

I’m asking the questions

That makes me look at my reality

What do I posit?

What makes me an enlistee?

I understand my vulnerability

I understand my strong features

I may not make the right play

But I’m certain I won’t be on the bleachers

There is something more I see

Than you are willing to let on

This is why I wait

This is why I fawn

Part of me knows this as fact

Part of me knows this dance

What will become of this?

My temptress of circumstance



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